Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Assignment 4: Architecture

1.       1. 
      This is is the Sims Residence Hall a three story building on the University of South Carolina campus that was built in 1939.  It is situated in the heart of the campus.  This building is also situation in a quadrangle and the other buildings that surround it mimic a similar style and essence.  This served as my residence for both my freshman and sophomore years at the University.   

2.       2. 
     The  Sims Hall is built in the Architectural style of Greek Revival. The columns on the front of the building give it this look and feel of the particular style.  The columns that appear on the front of the building are also in a style of rounded Doric, they are very plain and there is minimal detail on the actual column.  Doric is the oldest and simplest of the Greek orders and the only one that normally has no base.  The capital (top of the column) is also with basic design and small details but nothing extremely elaborate.  On the top of the building there is a small steeple with a spire on top.  The steeple is the taller tower that appears in the middle of the top of the building, with the spire on top extending upward.  These structures are generally found on Christian churches and Cathedrals. (Demonstrated below in the picture of the Emmanuel Church of Boston)

AS     3.
      As mentioned above the building as a whole was constructed in a Greek Revival Style.  This architectural movement was present predominantly in Northern Europe and the United States in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.  For Sims Hall the simplicity of this construction was desirable because of its construction after the Great Depression and was paid for by a Public Works Administration grant.   The designs of the buildings that were completed with the Pubilc Works grant were designed similarly to those built in the 1909-1930 period thus the low nature and the columns, being popular and built to match other surrounding buildings.

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